Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager (pg. 420)

Dr. Van K. Tharp

If you are really committed, then not only are you certain that you are doing the right thing, but somehow events just seem to occur to help you. If you are really committed to being a trader, then you probably have an understanding at some level of what I’m talking about. You probably even understand that those events that help you might be big losses.

Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager (pg. 337)

Mark Weinstein

Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world and can catch any animal on the plains, it will wait until it is absolutely sure it can catch its prey. It may hide in the bush for a week, waiting for just the right moment. It will wait for a baby antelope, and not just any baby antelope, but preferably one that is also so sick or lame. Only then, when there is no chance it can lose its prey, does it attack. That, to me, is the epitome of professional trading.