Devil Take The Hindmost by Edward Chancellor (pg. 293)

Acting on the belief that land prices would never fall again, Japanese banks provided loans against the collateral of land rather than cash flows. Towards the end of the 1980s, they increased lending against property, especially to smaller companies. The rising value of land became the engine for the creation of credit in the whole economy. Tochi-hon’i sei, the land standard, had arrived.

Devil Take The Hindmost by Edward Chancellor (pg. 223)

In other words, Mellon suggested that the market should be left to fall until it found its own clearing level when demand would return and the economy revive. Instead, Hoover’s policies prevented wages from falling at a time when asset and commodity prices were declining. This served to increase unemployment and reduce the returns on capital, thus preventing reinvestment. Rothbard concluded that the “guilt of the Great Depression must be lifted from the shoulders of the free economy, and placed where it properly belongs: at the doors of politicians, bureaucrats, and the mass of ‘enlightened’ economists.”

Devil Take The Hindmost by Edward Chancellor (pg. 192)

The Federal Reserve, with its ability to control interest rates and conduct “open market operations”–buying and selling government bonds in order to affect the supply of money available to banks–was hailed in the 1920s as “the remedy to the whole problem of booms, slumps, and panics.” As a result, bankers and speculators alike were lulled into a false security which led the to operate irresponsibly, exacerbating the severity of the ensuing class.

Devil Take The Hindmost by Edward Chancellor (pg. 136)

A letter in the Times stressed the cynicism of the speculators: “There is not a single dabbler in scrip who does not steadfastly believe–first, that a crash sooner or later, is inevitable; and, secondly, that he himself will escape it. When the luck turns, and the crack play is sauve qui peut, or devil take the hindmost, no one fancies that the last mail train from Panic station will leave him behind. In this, as in other respects, ‘Men deem all men mortal but themselves.'”